Thursday 2 June 2022

Weetwood Moor - cup and ring marked rock

After a brisk walk from Wooler, up to and across the top of Weetwood Moor to meet the Bridleway in the North-East corner, we were disappointed to find the Public Right of Way had been re-routed Ca. 100m south of its original route. This means that the extended line of cup and ring marked stones in that corner, is effectively cut off from public access.

heading north on top of Weetwood Moor 

heading East atop the Moor

As we headed back towards the single stone in the South West corner of the moor, we could see the probable line of flat rocks, which contained the bulk of the visible archaeology - now frustratingly out of reach.

the PRoW re-direction notice

the closed section of moor behind the fence-line

Whilst the single cup and ringed mark rock, was relatively easy to find, being situated on top of a low rise, near the antenna enclosure. We were initially bemused to find that when walking to the "exact location" as indicated on the OS App, it left us staring at a large slab of flat rock which did not appear to have any markings on it at all? We decided to walk in increasing circles from this rock, and soon found another slab, this time with a noticeable ring mark some 10ms or so East of the first.
not the stone!

t-shirt by Hare and Tabor

antiquarian ring mark

presumed "modern" carving?

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Housesteads, Hadrian's Wall

looking West

looking East towards Sycamore Gap

Housesteads Roman Fort is an impressive ruin .. but what captured our imagination the most was the sight of Hadrian's Wall stretching East and West into the distance. "A" and I are now planning to walk the long-distance trail!

Temple of Mithras, Hadrian's Wall

Temple of Mithras rems.

Mithras personified

The three altar stones are replicas. Presumably the recess at the back of the main Mithras altar would hold a lamp, candle or incense burner?

homage  to Michael Bentine's Potty Time